Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day

Breaking News: It's SNOWING!

Okay, so that's not really breaking news, but it is pretty exciting. My hometown has seen at least 10" since late last night and it's still going. I literally shoveled snow off of my car this morning and even after that there's no way I will be leaving the house at all today.

Instead, I have spent the day in a giant sweater, curled up in bed reading. This is exactly what I was looking forward to during those last tense weeks of the semester. Now that the academic reading is behind me, I can actually read for fun. That's right. Reading. For fun.

A couple of months ago I picked up some books for Goodwill (let's be real, I buy books every time I go to Goodwill). Among those books was One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. So in these last weeks of December this is what I will be reading.

By the way, if you are ever interested in what I am reading, you can follow me on Goodreads. :)

Until next week,

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