Saturday, October 2, 2010

Reading some of my pre-Christianity blogs is quite the experience. At times it's like I'm reading about a complete stranger, but today I remember her. I can almost remember what it felt like to hurt that deeply. I almost understand where my head was at during those times. I find myself wanting to go back and tell that girl to hold on, the light's almost there. I want to show her how bright her own future is. I want to show her the love she was craving. It's so easy for me to forget my own testimony, or to doubt the significance of my story. But looking back, I can see what it took to get me to this place, and I see Jesus present in it all. It's crazy to realize that my whole entire life serves as a witness to God's power and love, to think that my story is an echo of the big Story. I can't wait to see what happens next.