Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Quick Update

The semester is almost over *cue simultaneous sobbing and celebration*. While I have officially dubbed last week “Hell Week,” this one and the next are looking much easier. That would be great, except I now have to fight the urge to slack off. You know, it’s pretty easy to justify melting an evergreen candle, reading Gatsby, and drinking coffee all afternoon when I don’t have a whole lot due.

That’s not to say that life is completely stress-free at the moment. I have a massive financial deadline looming over my head, with $575 due in just nine days. Yikes. The devil is pretty clearly using this as an opportunity to get under my skin. I’ll find myself doubting my call and believing I’m a burden to my family. I’m choosing not to buy into it which, of course, is easier said than done. It has been so helpful to stay in the Word, to ask for prayer, and to have a guy like Adam who speaks truth over me.

That being said, the donations are coming in slowly and doors of financial opportunity have been opened for me. I know I’m not alone in this and I know I serve a big God who works all things together for my good.
I can’t guarantee an update next week as I will be finishing my last final and checking out of the dorms, but keep an eye out.


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