Thursday, January 3, 2013

I Would Be Lost Without My Blogger

Ahhhh, it's 8pm and I almost forgot to put up a Thursday post! I am trying to be more disciplined in my writing by journaling every night and putting up a new blog post every Thursday, so I really didn't think it was a good idea for me to slack off and not post one today. Anyway, this one clearly isn't going to be super thoughtful or logically organized or whatever because it's kinda last minute.


I love Winter Break because I actually have free time to do whatever I want. And whatever I want usually includes watching shows online and making a dent in my to-read list. One of the things I got into recently is BBC's Sherlock.

Having been around Tumblr for a while, I have seen A LOT of Sherlock posts and I came to the realization that everyone except for me had already seen it and believed it to be the best thing ever. With this new found free time, I decided to jump on the bandwagon.

I am so glad I did. The show is witty and clever, and the pairing of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman is fantastic. I find myself in the same position as John Watson, exclaiming "Brilliant!" every time Sherlock makes some super accurate deduction based on tiny details the average person would never pick up on. I love it. I absolutely love it.

If you have never seen Sherlock, I highly suggest you add it to your Netflix Instant Queue right now. Seriously. Open up a new tab, watch an episode (they're around 90 minutes each), then come back and tell me how much you love it.

Okay, go.

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