Thursday, September 20, 2012

Goodbye Hiatus (Hopefully)

I haven't posted anything since May, not because nothing has been happening in my life, but because writing became somewhat difficult for me this summer. I had a hard time putting words to my feelings and experiences. But I think things are starting to get back to normal (whatever that may be), and so I'm going to attempt to bring this blog back to life.

That might mean posts about what I'm learning academically, how I am developing spiritually, things I am doing, things I am reading, and things I find beautiful and inspiring. I by no means have this blogging thing figured out, as much as my friends would like to think I do, but I'm willing to give it what I have. Maybe this will be read, maybe it won't. Either way, writing makes me feel good. It is the best way I know how to express myself, and it has always been a healthy outlet for me. Here we go.