Friday, May 29, 2015

Even So, It Is Well

I've got an anxious heart. I have emotions that battle with reason, so that even when I know I'm safe my brain says fight or flee. Despite a notoriously calm demeanor, I have a mind that is often anything but calm. When I became particularly restless last night, I found my way to the beach. The sun was just beginning to set, the breeze was light, and the waves were steady and soothing. All thoughts were washed away but this: The God who holds this all together is holding me. It is well.

Listening to those waves I acknowledged that my emotions are sometimes out of my control. I can't always drive away anxiety or make myself feel hopeful or loving or kind. My head sometimes feels like a mess of clouds and overcast, a heart that doesn't know how to fully rejoice in this life.

Even so, my God speaks to storms, "Peace, be still." His face hovers over the water. The Lord comforts me. He talks of peace like a river, glory like an overflowing stream, and I know it is well with my soul.

When anxious thoughts fight for control, even so it is well.
When the storm is rolling and the waves are crashing, even so it is well.
When I don't feel loving or lovable, even so it is well.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

There Will Be Nights Like This

My dear friend Abby got married last weekend. She was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. Dancing with so many Trinity friends was a blast. And the sparkler send-off was the perfect way to end the night.

I cried on the way home.

Overwhelmed with happiness. God gave me the most wonderful gift by giving me this group of friends. His goodness was so evident to me in that moment. And I couldn't help thinking about me as a freshman, in the valley of depression, and how much I needed to know then that there would be days like this. There would be friendships and weddings, dancing and tears of joy. There would be nights when I fall asleep with this last thought: life is good.