Thursday, October 9, 2014

Be All There

“Wherever you are, be all there.”

I am teaching myself to be fully present each moment. To not rush through the moments, the minutes, the days, the seasons. To believe that the next moment is not guaranteed, but there is this moment.

So I don’t hurry to arrive early to class. I take time to notice sunlight through golden leaves.

So I don’t check my phone habitually. I appreciate the people in front of me and I laugh with them.

So I don’t anxiously speed read the textbooks. I soak up what I can and thank God I get to learn about something I love.

So I don’t dread the moment the sleeping baby wakes up. I hold her and watch her smile at her dreams.

So I don’t stuff down the feelings. I let myself feel it all, the disappointment and the joy.

When I am fully present in the moments, life becomes full of moments, and that sounds like life abundant to me. My life is FULL, and I am thankFULL.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Riding the Wind


I am loving this blustery day.

I see falling leaves, and the spinning seems more like riding the wind than chaos. Maybe because I’ve stopped thinking of life’s turns as a loss of control and started letting myself be carried along.

Because the idea that I can control everything is an illusion, one I use sometimes when I need to feel secure.

But I don’t want to be a leaf that fears leaving the tree so much that the natural descent to the ground feels like spinning out of control.

I want to be a leaf that knows the seasons change and doesn’t fear the fall. A leaf that dances all the way down, swirling and spinning because this is exactly where I’m supposed to be so I might as well enjoy it.