In 1 Samuel 7, Samuel cries out to the Lord on behalf of the
Israelites, asking Him to rescue them from the Philistines. With “loud thunder,”
the Lord stirs the Philistines right into the path of the Israelites, where
Samuel and his people are finally able to find victory over their enemies. In
response to this, Samuel sets a stone in the road, naming it Ebenezer and
proclaiming, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” He establishes this stone as a
visual reminder for the Israelites of God’s power, faithfulness, and mercy. He didn't want them to forget.
Maybe I
ought to raise my own Ebenezer stone. I don’t ever want to forget what the Lord
has done for me. I want to remember the ways in which He has been faithful and
merciful. I want to recall the ways He has saved me and healed me. Right here,
right now, I want to call out some of the countless encounters I have had with
the Lord who helps.
Lord Jesus Christ took my sins upon His shoulders and died for my salvation.
The Lord has loved me even when I did not love myself. The Lord has gracefully
carried me through times of death and divorce. The Lord has delivered me from
the grip of depression. The Lord has provided the means for me to attend a
Christian school. The Lord has driven out my anxiety and replaced it with His
peace. The Lord has blessed me with a supportive family who chooses to see the
best in me. The Lord has replaced my old, jealous heart with a new,
compassionate heart. The Lord has taken me from fear of the future to hope for
the future. The Lord has given me the capacity to learn and absorb. The Lord
has humbled me by putting me in positions of leadership for which I did not
feel equipped. The Lord has gifted me with encouragement, faith, and mercy. The
Lord has led me to repentance. The Lord has led me to forgive those who have
hurt me. The Lord has spoken to me. The Lord has called me His daughter. The
Lord has held me close in times of loneliness. The Lord has brought me to this
So here
I raise my Ebenezer and loudly proclaim, “Thus far the Lord has helped me.”